The queens mill logo is white on a black background

*Revised 2006, 2007


The name of this organization shall be THE QUEENSMILL CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (the “Association”).



SECTION 1-   The purpose of the Association shall be to promote all interests for improvements of this community as listed below:

  1. Be open to all Queensmill residents, but not mandatory.
  2. Respect privacy and individual differences.
  3. Promote spirit of belonging to a community.
  4. Be official spokesman for the community.
  5. Represent community in matters coming under county jurisdiction.
  6. Be source of communication for neighborhood.
  7. Maintain high level of aesthetic quality, appearance, and value of neighborhood.
  8. Promote child safety in neighborhood.
  9. Develop, support, and maintain recreational facilities.
  10. Sponsor social functions; children, teenage, and adult.



SECTION 1 – Membership in this Association shall be limited to all adults (18 years and older) residing in the geographical area of Chesterfield County, Virginia, known as Queensmill subdivision and any adjoining areas as the association shall approve, and who shall thereafter pay the proper dues. Elected board members must have membership status.

SECTION 2 – With membership status residents receive the Queensmiller newsletter, an annual directory, voice at all board meetings, and vote at general membership meetings.

Any member whose dues are not paid in full by November 30th shall be suspended and all privileges of membership shall be terminated. Any member suspended for non-payment of dues may be re-instated at any time upon full payment of current year. This constitutes a household in good standing.



SECTION 1- The dues for membership in the Queensmill Civic Association shall be made payable to the Queensmill Civic Association.  The dues shall be $50.00 per household per year.  Increases and decreases in dues amounts shall be voted on at any general membership meeting only upon motion of the Board and thirty (30) days notice to the general membership.  Said increase or decrease shall become effective only upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members voting at any general membership meeting of the Association.  There must be a quorum consisting of 2/3 of the Board members plus 15 additional members in order to transact any such increase or decrease in the annual dues.  (Section 1 revision by action of the General Membership meeting of September 10, 2007)

SECTION 2- Dues are to be paid at the time of membership and subsequently on or before November 30th of each year.

SECTION 3- Dues are to be paid at the following rate by new residents joining QCA:

First Quarter (September–November) -100%

Second Quarter (December – February) – 75%

Third Quarter (March – May)-50%

Fourth Quarter (June – August) -25%



SECTION 1- The fiscal year shall date from September 1 to August 31.



SECTION 1- The elective officers of the association shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and eleven officers. Total voting board members shall be 15. The immediate past president, who is not the current president, is an ex-officio member and shall be a non voting board member.

SECTION 2- The policy making body of the association shall be known as the Board.

SECTION 3- 2/3 of the voting Board members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board. Official business of the Board shall be accomplished by a 2/3 vote of those present.



SECTION 1- The officers are to be elected for a term of one year.

SECTION 2- The immediate past president shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Board with no voting privilege.

SECTION 3-  Should a Board member resign; the Board shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. Written notice shall be given to the general membership 30 days before the board votes to fill the vacant position.

SECTION 4 – All written and electronic information produced or received pertaining to a Board position is the property of the QCA. The Secretary of the Board shall request and house all files for board members and shall make them available for all Board members to review upon request. All materials purchased with QCA money is the property of the QCA.



SECTION 1- The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and shall be a member of all committees, ex-officio, except the nomination committee.

SECTION 2- The Vice President shall fulfill the duties of the President in case of the President’s inability to serve and shall perform such duties as assigned by the President.

SECTION 3- The Secretary shall keep all records of the meetings and the administrative work of the association. This person shall take minutes of all regular and special meetings and act as Secretary of the Board.

SECTION 4- The Treasurer shall collect all monies due the association, keep an accurate record thereof, pay all bills incurred by the association, and present a report to each board member regularly at meetings and at any time upon request. All monies shall be deposited, checking or savings account, in the name of Queensmill Civic Association. All checks shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other board member. The accounts of the Treasurer shall be audited every three years or at the request of the general membership or board. Audits are to be done by an auditing committee appointed by the Board.  The Treasurer will prepare and present an annual budget to the QCA membership for approval.



SECTION 1-   The following shall be the standing board positions:

  1. Adult Social
  2. Advertising
  3. Beautification
  4. Building and Grounds
  5. Children’s Social
  6. Civic
  7. Directory
  8. Membership
  9. Queensmiller
  10. Security
  11. Welcoming

SECTION 2-   Duties:

  1. Adult Social – This committee recommends, plans, and reports to the membership all recreational social functions for Queensmill adults. This committee can initiate and promote any fund raising project that the Board approves. The monies earned from these projects will be used to better our community.
  2. Advertising – This committee solicits local businesses to advertise in the Queensmiller and/or the Queensmill website. This committee collects funds for paid advertisements and submits ads to the Queensmiller for publication.
  3. Beautification – This committee cares for the landscaping and gardening at each of the neighborhood entrances. This committee makes proposals and coordinates contracts concerning civic improvements, landscaping, design, and maintenance projects.
  4. Building and Grounds – This committee makes sure that restrictive covenants are enforced. This applies to new construction, additions, fences, entrance lights & structures, outbuildings, and the like. This committee coordinates maintenance and contracts and makes sure payments are made and enforce contracts.
  5. Children’s Social – This committee recommends, plans, and reports to the membership all recreational social functions for Queensmill children. This committee can initiate and promote any fund raising project that the Board approves. The monies earned from these projects will be used to better our community.
  6. Civic – This committee represents the Queensmill Civic Association in any civic affairs pertaining to this neighborhood. This committee is the association’s representative to the Planning Commission of the county, the county Board of Supervisors, and any other local organization of interest to Queensmill.
  7. Directory – This committee compiles the annual directory of residents. The committee will ensure that all information is up to date and distributed to all QCA members.
  8. Membership – This committee sponsors the annual membership drive each fall. This committee collects dues and keeps an updated membership list to be used by Directory annually and Queensmiller for monthly newsletter distributions.
  9. Queensmiller – This committee publishes the Queensmiller Newsletter. This committee includes advertisements and oversees the delivering of the newsletter to QCA members.
  10. Security – This committee is responsible for the Community Watch Program.
  11. Welcoming – This committee welcomes new residents to the neighborhood, collects dues from new residents, and provides them with a complimentary Queensmiller and Directory. The committee will provide new resident information to other committees needing this information.

SECTION 4- Other committees may be formed by the President, but will not be a part of the Board.



SECTION 1- General membership meetings shall be held once per year in the spring. Additional general membership meetings can be called by the Board or petitioned to the Board by the general membership. The general membership will be notified by flyer 30 days in advance of these meetings. General members may request agenda items to be addressed up to 2 weeks before the scheduled meeting.

SECTION 2 – A general membership meeting quorum shall be made up of 2/3 of the voting board members and 15 general members. Official business of a general membership meeting shall be accomplished by a 2/3 vote of those present.

SECTION 3 – Board meetings shall be held monthly totaling a minimum of 10 meetings from September through August. Additional meetings of the Board may be called by the President or by a majority of the Board. Board meetings are open to board members and general members. The board may call separate board meetings.

SECTION 4 – Special meetings may be called by the President, and must be called by him on receipt of a written request from twenty-five percent of the total general membership entitled to vote.



SECTION 1 – Parliamentary procedure will be by Robert’s Rules of Order or as otherwise specified by these By-laws.

SECTION 2- Business approved by the Board will be available for the general membership to review via the Queensmiller.

SECTION 3 – No official statement may be made by any member of the association without the prior approval of the Board.



SECTION 1 – One vote per adult or two votes per household in good standing.  Voting at QCA general membership meetings will be limited to persons belonging in good standing to QCA and residing within the subdivision known as Queensmill.

SECTION 2 – At any general membership meeting a 2/3 vote of members present is empowered to transact the association business included on the agenda.

SECTION 3 – These By-laws may be amended by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the members voting at any general meeting of the Association provided written notice of such amendments and a copy of the proposed amendments shall have been provided to the members of the association at least 30 days prior to the date of the general meeting.



SECTION 1 – At least one month before the general membership meeting a Nomination Committee shall be formed by the board

SECTION 2 – The Nomination Committee will consist of three to five general members who are not individuals in current board positions or whose names will appear on the upcoming ballot.

SECTION 3 – The Nomination Committee will take and confirm nominations from the board and general members through the general membership meeting.

SECTION 4 – At the general membership meeting additional nominations can be taken from the floor. Nominees can introduce themselves to the general membership at this time.

SECTION 5 – The deadline for nominations to be given to the Nomination Committee is at the end of the general membership meeting.

SECTION 6 – Within 10 days of the general membership meeting a ballot with all nominees named and instructions for voting general members shall be delivered to each general member’s residence.

SECTION 7 – Ballots must be mailed to a third party for counting no later than three weeks after the general membership meeting.

SECTION 8 – New board members shall be posted in the next Queensmiller.

SECTION 9 – In the case of a tie for one board position, a revote through an additional ballot must be completed. This one board position may be announced in August.



SECTION 1 – These By-laws may be amended, altered, or repealed by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of the members voting at any general meeting of the Association provided written notice of such amendments and a copy of the proposed amendments shall have been provided to the members of the association at least 30 days prior to the date of the general meeting.  A quorum of 15 members in addition to those members of the Board must be present to transact any amendment.


Adopted at the General Membership Meeting held on May 8, 2006.

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